
Task Parametrized Gaussian Mixture Models (TP- GMM) are a sample-efficient method for learning object-centric robot manipulation tasks. However, there are several open challenges to applying TP-GMMs in the wild. In this work, we tackle three crucial challenges synergistically. First, end-effector velocities are non-Euclidean and thus hard to model using standard GMMs. We thus propose to factorize the robot’s end-effector velocity into its direction and magnitude, and model them using Riemannian GMMs. Second, we leverage the factorized velocities to segment and sequence skills from complex demonstration trajectories. Through the segmentation, we fur- ther align skill trajectories and hence leverage time as a powerful inductive bias. Third, we present a method to automatically detect relevant task parameters per skill from visual observations. Our approach enables learning complex manipulation tasks from just five demonstrations while using only RGB-D observations. Extensive experimental evaluations on RLBench demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance with 20- fold improved sample efficiency. Our policies generalize across different environments, object instances, and object positions, while the learned skills are reusable.



For academic usage a software implementation of this project based on PyTorch can be found in our GitHub repository and is released under the GPLv3 license. For any commercial purpose, please contact the authors.

You can download the pretrained models and the corresponding demonstrations below.


If you find our work useful, please consider citing our paper:

Jan Ole von Hartz, Tim Welschehold, Abhinav Valada, Joschka Boedecker

The Art of Imitation: Learning Long-Horizon Manipulation Tasks from Few Demonstrations
Under review for publication, 2024.
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Jan Ole von Hartz

Jan Ole von Hartz

University of Freiburg

Tim Welschehold

Tim Welschehold

University of Freiburg

Abhinav Valada

Abhinav Valada

University of Freiburg

Joschka Boedecker

Joschka Boedecker

University of Freiburg